Smarties and Dum-Dums

You could only get away with this in a very small town. Several of my children attended a small school in North West Kansas. One of their High School or Junior High teachers rewarded students based on the quality of their work with small candy treats. Students that did particularly well received a packet of Smarties. Those that did not perform up to their abilities received Dum Dums. Everyone got candy, everyone was valued, but everyone understood the not so subtle message.

The first Republican debate was held last week. Don’t worry if you missed it. While I have great respect for several of the potential nominees that braved the inaugural debate it was primarily a B team event.  That’s not putting anyone down it just wasn’t a varsity game. My kids had those in school also, a place where the up and coming stars could hone their skills and develop, and where those that never would be a starter for the A team could learn to enjoy the game. A place where those that had already made the A team were not playing.
The 2012 presidential race is underway, we are going to hear some good ideas they will be few but there will be some. Little gems, some red some blue. We will hear others that while decent do not live up to our abilities nor better our society, still more that will just be dumb, some red and some blue there also. We will also be asked to swallow some lies and half truths. Sad thing is we buy into these on both sides and these untruths become the issues by which we choose our leaders. I fear these more than the dumb ideas.
We need some original thought, nuggets of inspiration. Don’t tell me about your opponent tell me about your ideas. Don’t tell me what he did or did not do, don’t tell me about his war record or questions regarding his citizenship. Don’t tell me they are for big business or big government. Tell me what you are for, how you understand our issues, who you will solicit for help. Give me some original work! 
Wish I could drop a candy on the lectern while the debates are underway Smarties on that occasion one shows himself to possess rare talent and insight, a Dum-Dum more often, but if the past is any indication my not so subtle message would be made with Whoppers.
Wonder if Hershey would be willing to sponsor the debates?